zondag 25 november 2012

Een bericht van een facebook friend die Wouter in Innesfail heeft ontmoet.

Jay N. Pheonix

hey buddy, so its been a while again, life gets ahold of ya sometimes an ya just get busy, i miss you man, time for the fill in tho. so im taking off back to australia on december 28th, meeting up with lisa in sydney, gunna be siiick times with that shorty, downside to the trip is i have to leave steph behind with lil man, breaks my heart doing it, but its whats gotta go down, i mean youre upstair
s so you know the whole big picture and what the end game is, i trust you got my back in every choice i make these days, so far, havent made any bad choices in a reallll long time, i thank you for that man, the worlds not the same without you but heavens not the same since you got there. i think about you often man, i hear people on the ctrain or bus or downtown say walter an my first reaction is to think of my buddy wouter, or whenever i hear a dutch accent, boom ,youre there again. its crazy youve been gone for so long, feels like yesterday we were in innisfail. i promise if i get the chance to swing thru innisfail again, im gunna have a drink for you (lets be honest here im gunna get right fuckin trashed ) hahaha love ya buddy, enjoy them wings, keep ya posted